• s. asia,  school,  the kids

    we’re moving!, part three.

    How far is it from where you live now and from your friends?” Depending on traffic, our new home is a twenty to thirty minute drive (shorter by auto rickshaw) from where we live now.  And our friends, John, Alison, Joshua and Caleb, just signed a lease on an apartment downtown too.  They will be living less than a mile away from us, in a different neighborhood. John and Alison are nurses, and have joined our team to do community health training in villages, but are also excited about being apart of a city church plant as a family and living in the community where we will worship. One fun…

  • s. asia

    we’re moving!, part two.

    “Where are you moving?” We are moving to an apartment building in center city, just off the main commercial and business district.  It’s a perfect location because it’s within walking distance of really anything we could want—supermarkets, schools, shopping, malls, and public parks—but still in a residential neighborhood with many other apartments. Here is a view of our street, which dead-ends into one of the main roads in town: “Does your new apartment building have a playground?” Sadly it doesn’t.  Our current complex is closer to the outskirts of the city, so there is a lot more space in that area for playgrounds and pools.  City apartments are built closer…

  • s. asia

    we’re moving!, part one.

    By now many of you know that we are moving next week.  We signed our lease and got the keys on Monday.  Here’s our new apartment building: I have decided to tell you about our move by answering some frequently asked questions, which I’ll spread out over this week while we’re cleaning and organizing and meeting with painters and movers. “Why are you moving?” This may seem sudden, but we’ve been talking about moving for months now.  We just weren’t sure where.  We weren’t even sure what city.  We’re learning that’s what happens when you join a brand-new team.  It takes a long time to figure out exactly what the…

  • s. asia

    night on the town.

    It’s hard to believe my mom leaves tomorrow night.  These two weeks have flown by.  I have had a sinus infection the entire time she has been here . . . and, besides enjoying her company, I’ve been so grateful for her help with the kids and the apartment and for the extra naps I’ve gotten.  We spent most of our time close to home, but thankfully I felt well enough that we still got to do some fun things and show her around the city a bit. Last night the five of us piled in an auto rickshaw and rode to this amazing mall downtown.  I have really never…

  • s. asia

    mediterranean cafe.

    Oh this restaurant was divine.  Today was our first time trying it out, and we loved the breezy outdoor seating and the view.  But the food was best of all. Best hummus we’ve ever tasted. It was hard not to pull an Amie and lick the bowl after it was gone. Crispy falafel with two kinds of dipping sauce. We got a chicken dish and a shrimp dish too, but were so busy eating that we forgot to take pictures. Warm chocolate mud cake. And a latte to top it all off. A happy camper. This was my first trip out of our neighborhood (other than doctor’s visits) in over…