the kids,  travel

our week.

Last night, David and Judah returned home from 9 days in the Middle East. We’re thrilled to have them back with us, and I am excited for Judah to get on the blog this week and share about their trip.

We had a busy but very sweet time while they were away. I wish I’d thought to take more pictures hanging out with friends and family — thank you to Joyce, Nina and Papa, Grandpa and Mum Mum, Annie, Caroline, Brittany and Sarah, the Wingates, and the Allen family for hanging out with us.

Here’s what else we did:



Noah is finally ready to play on his “own team” in Yahtzee. He proceeded to score four Yahtzees in one game when we played the other night. If you’re wondering at the colors on our score sheet, we play Triple Yahtzee, which is how my parents taught me. The pink column total is tripled, blue is doubled, and white is single.



Amie and I were in the nursery on Sunday for the first time since sabbatical, and we were so happy to spend an hour cuddling babies. This is our friend Rosie.



I embarked on a two-week elimination diet for stomachaches, joint pain, headaches and all over low-grade feeling lousy. This is a very manageable diet, thankfully. It takes some planning, but there are lots of things I can still eat. I’m on Day 6 now and feel great. I have so much energy now that my “gluten fog” has cleared.



I introduced my 8th graders at co-op to sorting their notes into an outline by letting them sort a big bag of candy. Basically, I’m just trying to earn the best teacher award.



Amie is practicing French braiding her own hair. It’s tricky when you can’t see what you’re doing!



I’m working my way through the Lord of the Rings series for the first time since childhood. I’ve reread The Hobbit several times but never went on to read the trilogy again. I’ve decided they’re among my very favorite books.



Speaking of books, the newest Vanderbeeker novel was released this week, and Amie promptly disappeared until it was finished. I’m about halfway through and loving it as much as all the others.



The kids and I deep-cleaned the back porch as a surprise for David. During the oppressive heat of the summer it ends up becoming a sort of mud room, overflowing with life jackets, beach towels, and Noah’s various bug collections. So we cleared out all the clutter, sorted piles of shoes, I washed and bleached the mildewed cushion covers, then Steve came over and hung string lights for us.  I hosted our church Women’s Team meeting on Thursday night, and was so happy that it was cool enough for us to sit out here together and enjoy this peaceful space.



The boys are one hundred times happier now that the weather has cooled a bit and they can play outside for hours a day.



We missed our guys so much, and it was a joyful reunion at the Columbia airport last night. We are so thankful that they were able to take this trip, but it’s good to all be together again.

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