the kids

new years resolutions (by amie)

This year I made lots of resolutions and wrote them in my journal to check off. Last year I had resolutions but only a few were accomplished. Now that I’m older it seems easier. I have in mind that these might not be finished, but I think it’s a good structure for the year.

Here are my resolutions:

1: I have an urge to learn how to make clothes. I enjoy making things and challenging myself in different  areas of art and I thought making clothes would be a good one. Not necessarily making all my clothes but on occasion. It’s perfect because I have a neighbor who knows how to sew and will gladly teach me.

2: I have listened to all the Harry Potter books but haven’t read them. I read the first two but took a long break afterward and kept saying I would continue the series but never did so. Since I was making a list of resolutions, I put that one on, plus I saved up my money last year and bought the series. So all the more reason to read them.




3: I read my Bible on school days as a subject but I was finding myself trying to get it over with without really spending the time with the Lord. A few days ago, I tried reading it before I did my school so it didn’t seem as much like a chore. My dad gave me a Bible reading chart so I can check off whenever I finish a chapter. I won’t read the ones I’ve already read. I’m currently in Genesis.




4: I’m playing soccer this spring, which I am very excited about. I want to be better at practicing at home so I can get better playing. I’m going to be in an older group this year, so my team will be more experienced and I want to keep up with them.

These are some of my resolutions and I’m excited to see which ones I accomplish and master.

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