kitchen renovation

kitchen renovation manifesto.

I typed up this little Kitchen Manifesto to post on our fridge (the fridge that’s currently in our living room) this week when my eyes were itching from fine dust and the house shook with demolition.

Elisabeth Elliot said that a beautiful thing about God’s power is that He’s able to use any and all of our trials, no matter how small, to refine our faith and prune us to bear more fruit. I can’t tell you what a comfort this truth has become to my heart. Over the course of my life, I’ve spent far too much time trying to talk myself out of my trials, saying, “Well plenty of people have it way worse than you, Julie. What’s your problem?”

God does not talk to me like that. He’s gentle and kind. He loves me enough to let me struggle in a variety of ways so that I’ll grow less dependent on myself and more dependent on Him.

This gives my big trials and little frustrations great dignity and purpose.

A summer of a kitchen renovation — and all the sin that dredges up in my heart, which I’d very much like to minimize and shrug off — becomes grounds for His loving discipline.

I welcome the struggle, knowing from experience that I’ll be happier for it.


Kitchen Renovation Manifesto

We will . . .

Choose to see this experience as a grand adventure

Add to our thankful list every day

Not complain about noise or dust or one more trip to Lowe’s

Choose to see close living quarters as a chance to bond with each other

Laugh a lot

Be friendly and show gratitude to all the people who supply our materials or come in our house

Use this house project as a chance to connect with our neighbors by inviting them in to see the progress

Remember that delays and hiccups in the process make for the best stories

Look for ways to help each other

Be content with what’s in our budget and with not getting everything we want

Take responsibility for our own attitudes and words and not blame others

Say we’re sorry when we sin

Remember that relationships matter more than tasks

Remember that it won’t last forever!

Ask Jesus to help us every day, and thank Him when He does

Believe that this new kitchen is a gift from God for us to enjoy

Remember that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us

One Comment

  • kristy

    Hey friend!
    catching up on my bloggy list after a Very Long Time away. It’s like a little visit to Gentinoland. 🙂
    But meanwhile- can you tell me, where is that EE quote from?
    Blessings to you and yours!

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