s. asia
gluten-free week.
My morning cup of Rwandan coffee with natural cane sugar and coconut milk (do I sound like an obnoxious health nut yet??). And my sweet niece, Lina, who Judah and Amie alternately introduce to friends as their sister and their daughter. I apologize for yet another boring post on my diet. I promise I won’t do this forever, but I want to keep a record of it. I have been two-and-a-half weeks gluten-free, and there has been enough change in my health that I’m ready for a long-term commitment. I never want to go back. The cravings haven’t been as bad as I expected. What I crave most is sugar,…
saturday morning.
We went to the fancy mall on Saturday morning for pastries (well, for three of us) and cappuccino at Cafe Noir, then David and Judah visited the Apple store while I took Amie for a haircut. Sorry, no pics of the haircut (I was too busy wrestling my two-year-old), but it turned out super cute.
fashion statement.
Blowing bubbles at the park! Alison is the kid-whisperer And apparently also the middle-aged-man whisperer
just another walk home.
After playing at the park, the six of us walked the half-mile to John and Alison’s flat for lunch. Watch out for that barbed wire, Ams Signs here are the best. Doesn’t this sound so pleasant? I want to alight. Gotta look out for these random holes in the sidewalk And these There are also lots and lots of road projects. Do you like that safety tape? And, if you think that traffic is slowing down for a woman with three small children, you are wrong. Caleb expertly bypasses the random toilet lying on the sidewalk Aaaand, here’s another one A sweet photo of my friend, Alison. Wait–something isn’t quite…
the wrestling.
The kids and I walked the half-mile to our neighborhood park this morning. It was a perfect day: not a cloud in the sky. Warm in the sun, chilly in the shade. Judah and Amie love to roam in the park. They usually by-pass the paint-chipped playground in favor of the walking path, where they can explore gnarled banyan trees and trash heaps and point out squirrels, birds and rats of all sizes. They pick up sticks and ruffle through the leaves and make themselves busy. And I like to find a bench in a patch of sun and just sit and be. Today I breathe deep and look around…
a few more from the week.
Okay, so I haven’t ventured out of the house with the camera while David’s been gone. It’s been a fun week with lots of activities … playing outside, shopping, running errands, hanging out with friends. Here’s a few pictures of our around-the-house time: Ramesh and Maria came over this week, and Ramesh cooked his specialty: beef cutlets. They are basically these little patties (perfect for snacks) made with beef, potatoes and spices. They are divine. Buddies Wonderful friends who, sadly for us, are moving to Europe next month for Ramesh’s doctoral studies. We will miss them a ton. Watching “the Daddy movie” Alison gave us this great idea for counting…
rwanda bdc.
The purpose of our trip here is to become licensed in Rwanda’s Business Development Center and launch our own in May. The BDC is a terrific 14-week course that trains entrepreneurs and small and medium-size business owners how to create and grow their business with ethical principles and a broader purpose than the bottom financial line. We hope the BDC will stimulate strong businesses in South Asia that employ and empower many. We’re also excited to have a mentoring role in the lives of many potential business owners. Below are some pics of the course and our facilitator training. The BDC office and building. Small group work during…
one week gluten-free.
It’s been just over a week of my gluten-free diet. When I started last Friday, friends said I might feel better in a couple days. Well on Day 2, I was in the depths of despair because there was no change. Okay, so I’m kind of an impatient person. But on Day 3 (the day David left for Rwanda), there was a definite change. I still had my headache, but something was different. I couldn’t put my finger on it exactly but throughout the day, I thought, Wow, I feel good. On Day 4 I woke up and, laying in bed, instantly knew something was different. I had no headache. At…
Our sweet neighbor/friend/babysitter, Ammara. Amie bossing Lilly around. Which I’m okay with since Lilly bosses me around! They love each other Helping Lilly clean Stealing kisses