s. asia

  • motherhood,  s. asia,  the kids

    doctor’s visit.

    Today I bit the bullet and took both kids for their (shamefully overdue) well-visits and immunizations.  To a part of town I never go.  In an auto.  At lunchtime. I really, really procrastinate on stuff like this that intimidates me, but I always learn that the best thing to do is face my fears . . . it’s never as bad as I expect. Ams got her 18-month and 2-year shots, which includes typhoid because, well, we live in South Asia.  She shed a few tears, then bounced back and reached for the promised Skittles (thank you, Watershed Fellowship!!). Judah was next, and he kicked and screamed bloody murder.  It…

  • s. asia,  the kids

    guys’ morning out.

    Yesterday morning, David had the idea that we split up, girls and guys, for a morning of fun. He and Judah headed up the street first thing for bagels and cream cheese.  We’ve only found one place that makes bagels here, and they aren’t very good, but Judah doesn’t seem to mind.  He’s a true Gentino in his obsession with bagels. Yum.  Gluten. Next it was to Cubbon Park to climb and roam.  It’s a mile’s walk, and David said Judah kept asking, “Can we just take an auto?” Judah’s happy place And a stop at the aquarium on the way home . . . another of Judah’s happy places.…

  • motherhood,  s. asia,  the kids

    girl date.

    Amie and I began our morning with egg burritos at home, followed by playing with new care package toys. Thanks to Owen and Oliver, and to Martha, for fun new toys! “Bullseye is my best friend!” Next, we walked to Cafe Coffee Day for a mid-morning snack. Big girl While we waited for our treats, I taught Amie how to take pictures. Not bad Ams! Hmm.  I like this interpretation. Happy with her “hot chocolate latte” She kept asking me to take pictures of her milk mustache. 🙂  Speaking of which, if you see lots of pics of Amie on the blog these days, it’s because she loves having her…

  • food,  gluten freedom,  s. asia,  travel,  writing

    oak hill farm.

    This past weekend, David and I escaped for a birthday overnight at Oak Hill Farm.  John, Alison, and the boys were so sweet to offer to keep Judah and Amie for us.  On Friday morning, we dropped the kids off, stopped for breakfast, then drove the hour-and-a-half to the farm.  Here is my journal entry from Saturday . . . David and I are wrapping up our overnight visit to Oak Hill Farm. It is not exactly what I expected when we made our plans to come, but it has turned out to be a lovely experience. This farm is a little haven, an hour outside of our city, tucked…