
  • food,  gluten freedom

    pasta night.

    My brother Danny recently moved back to Columbia and last night we got together to cook.  He’s been working in the food industry for years and years, so he’s the real deal when it comes to all things food.  It was his idea to make pasta (believe it or not, I’m not so good at branching out and trying new things, and the very idea of homemade pasta terrified me). Danny did the research and found a gluten free pasta recipe he felt was authentic, then I went to Whole Foods and assembled the ingredients.  We put the kids down, poured a glass of wine, and got to work.  Pretty…

  • food,  gluten freedom

    gluten-free take two, and a moment of truth.

    I’ve been gluten-free for over a month now, and wow, do I feel so much better.  It makes me wonder why it took me so long, but oh well.  We had a few things going on. The last time I went gluten-free was in South Asia, in a desperate attempt to get to the bottom of my illness, and I blogged about it here.  I can’t even describe how much easier it is to follow a gluten-free diet in the U.S.  It’s not just the access to Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods, with their glorious gluten-free aisles, but it’s also having several friends around me who follow a similar diet,…

  • food

    i quit drinking coffee: a testimonial.

    I quit drinking coffee cold-turkey a month ago. Maybe it seems out-of-the-blue, but it’s been an idea niggling at the back of my mind for about a year. Soon after I began seeing a counselor for my anxiety disorder several years ago, she told me that for people who suffer with anxiety even a single cup of coffee can push them over the edge into full-adrenaline, fight-or-flight mode. Seeing as how I brought a full travel mug into every afternoon counseling session I quickly dismissed her.  “Well that may be true, but there’s no way I could ever quit drinking coffee.  Ever.” Then I came back from South Asia last…

  • columbia,  food

    grill night.

    I think it may just be finally getting warmer here in South Carolina. It’s been such a strange month . . . usually we’re pulling out the t’shirts and flip flops in March. We’ve instituted a weekly “Grill Night” since David got a charcoal grill for Christmas.  It’s been a little hit or miss due to the weather, but he’s already produced some amazing meals.  Looking forward to many more grill nights to come!

  • food

    favorite cinnamon rolls.

    My mom made homemade cinnamon rolls for us growing up and they were always delectable, but I had absolutely no interest in learning this skill for myself (you can ask my poor mother: I had almost zero desire to learn anything in the kitchen growing up). Once I moved out on my own, the Pillsbury can from the refrigerator section were good enough for me. But in South Asia, I suddenly found myself among American girl friends who all made homemade cinnamon rolls for their families. This was intimidating to me.  Yet, never making me feel ashamed of my lack of from-scratch baking skills, these ladies simply rolled out their…

  • food

    the one about food.

    I’ve had this post brewing for months in response to the questions I get, namely, Are you still seeing your nutritionist?, What’s your diet like these days?, Is it working?, Are you still gluten-free? I’ve wanted to talk about food in our household, but I’m glad it’s taken awhile to form my thoughts into words, because time has allowed us to more or less settle into a routine we can all live with.  Now the challenge is to condense it into a blog post you will actually care to read (and if you skip right over this one, I won’t be offended!). So here goes . . . After all our…

  • food

    julie’s favorite chocolate mug cake.

    Happy Friday! Here’s a little treat for your weekend: my favorite chocolate mug cake. I’ve tried a few mug cake recipes recently and been largely unimpressed. But now I’ve found it. Yum. I’m not gonna lie, I made this four nights in a row. The serving is small, but don’t be fooled: it’s very rich.  And I like to tell myself that because it’s so tiny it’s practically good for me. I tested the recipe on my mom, and she approves! You can take this basic recipe and tweak it to your dietary needs/preferences like I did. Without further ado . . . Julie’s Favorite Chocolate Mug Cake 2 Tbsp…

  • food


    p.s. it must be mentioned that every component of tonight’s calzones: mozzarella, ricotta, dough, and sauce, were homemade.  david’s first cheese-making project was a raving success!  it must also be mentioned that i am a die-hard lover of coloring books, just like my girl.  happy olympics, everyone!