train adventure.
We finished the youth conference Thursday around lunch, and it was time to say our good-byes to wonderful new friends and make our way with Phillip and his assistant, Maryam, back to the capital city. Before leaving, one of Phillip’s friends picked us up at the hotel and drove us downtown for lunch. This man and another man we ate lunch with are medical doctors and board members of the mission agency. One of our reasons for traveling here this summer is that they’ve asked David to be the sole non-North African member of their agencies’ board. This is a great honor, and one of the reasons the trip has…
stories, part one.
Names have been changed. John and Iman are newly engaged, and their affection for one another makes everyone around them smile. In North Africa, when you become engaged, you exchange wedding band-style rings, and wear them on the ring finger of your right hand. At the wedding ceremony, the rings are moved to the left hand. John is an engineer and Iman is a veterinarian, and they volunteer with the branch of this missions agency in the city where the youth conference is being held. Iman owns her own vet clinic outside of the city, and treats both small and large animals. She has sparkling eyes, bubbling-up energy, and her…
youth conference.
Our church back home partners with a national missions training and sending agency, whose vision is to raise up, train, and send missionaries from their country all over North Africa. And they are doing it! The movement of the Holy Spirit in this group of people is palpable. The conference we attended was the first youth missions conference the missions agency put on. It’s in a university town, and about 100 people gathered in the hotel for three days. A student summed up the message of the conference so well when he said, “When I thought of the word ‘missionary,’ I always thought of foreign people moving to our country…
David and I were picked up at the airport Tuesday afternoon by a driver who recognized us through a phone picture. He loaded up our bags in his little sedan and drove us 30 minutes across the city to our friends’ apartment. What is it like here, besides dusty? It’s brown. High rise brown stone apartments stretch as far as the eye can see, lines of laundry stretched across balconies dancing in the hot wind. But the brown is punctuated here and there by green trees, ablaze with blossoms so bright they almost hurt your eyes: frangipani, poinciana, bougainvillea and palm trees. Tropical plants are my favorite because of my…
After three flights and nearly 24 hours of travel, our final plane made its descent on Tuesday toward the North African city where our friends live. My bleary eyes were glued to the window as I took in the wave of desert which washed right up to the sprawling capital city. Desert is everywhere here. It’s not like Arizona or Utah, scrubby and rocky, studded with cacti. The African desert is miles upon miles of rippling, empty, blinding sand. Plumes of dust spiral as you walk, curl around your toes. I started sneezing the moment we stepped off the plane into the airport and remembered, Ah yes, I know this…
week one recap.
We survived Demolition Week! David was able to talk off work some on Tuesday to help out, which he thoroughly enjoyed. Thanks to both sets of grandparents and our friends’ pool, we were able to stay out of the house as much as possible. Here’s the progress: Here are a couple pics to remind you of what our kitchen and dining room looked like before: And here we are now! Doesn’t it feel so big? They weren’t able to save any of the original hardwoods like they hoped. That’s okay, it will look much nicer to have…
kitchen renovation manifesto.
I typed up this little Kitchen Manifesto to post on our fridge (the fridge that’s currently in our living room) this week when my eyes were itching from fine dust and the house shook with demolition. Elisabeth Elliot said that a beautiful thing about God’s power is that He’s able to use any and all of our trials, no matter how small, to refine our faith and prune us to bear more fruit. I can’t tell you what a comfort this truth has become to my heart. Over the course of my life, I’ve spent far too much time trying to talk myself out of my trials, saying, “Well plenty…
day one: demolition.
Well friends, it’s officially begun! Scott and his crew showed up at 7:30 this morning, ready to roll. Actually the kids and I were scrambling to finish clearing everything out of the way so they could start demo. We couldn’t believe how much they got done today. Then David came home from work and decided to lend a hand by removing all the kitchen cabinets. We all had to laugh, because truly a renovation is like childbirth: you forget a lot of the process. We were stunned by the amount of noise and dust today’s work generated . . . even with our careful organization and tarps over the doorways.…
let the adventure begin.
Hello friends! We wrapped up a great school year and jumped full steam into summer with Gabe’s 8th birthday on Memorial Day weekend, which was also the weekend our new assistant pastor and his family moved to Columbia from St. Louis. I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it here on the blog, but David and I leave in about a week for 10 days in the Middle East. He’ll be teaching at a conference, and we’ll visit some friends who work there. In addition, we get to spend three glorious days at the Red Sea celebrating our 15th anniversary. This spring we got vaccinations, updated passports, and coordinated childcare for…
gabe’s birthday weekend.
Gabe turns 8 years old tomorrow, on Memorial Day, so we started the celebration Saturday with a visit from the boys’ birth family. Christi, her boyfriend, Jon, and her mom, Kim, drove to Columbia to spend time with us. They came bearing gifts and we had a great day, despite the fact that it was 99 degrees here. It was very nice to end the day with a trip to Gabe’s favorite place, Pelican Snoballs.