s. asia,  school

an exciting day.

It’s an exciting day in our house . . .

Our first homeschooling curriculum package arrived!

I really have no idea how it got here so fast, since I ordered it less than two weeks ago . . . but I’m not complaining.

I should back up a bit . . . the last time I posted about homeschooling, I don’t think I was anywhere near deciding on a curriculum.  Two things made me choose Sonlight.

1.  I just wasn’t doing a good job of piecing together a plan for Judah on my own.  I mentioned before that in the busyness of our lives right now, homeschool-preschool was getting pushed to the bottom of the priority list.  Which I am fine with since it is, after all, preschool.  But I think part of that was due to not really having a plan.  I’d gathered a couple books but the thought of coming up with any kind of a schedule exhausted me.

I realized: Okay, if I’m going to do this homeschooling thing, I want my entire curriculum and my entire schedule organized for me.  I just don’t have time (read: the desire) to spend several hours each week gathering ideas together.

It’s nice to know that about myself.  Hopefully it saves months–maybe years–of frustration.

2.  I have many friends who use Sonlight curriculum, some for many years, and every single person I know who uses it loves it.  They love the book selection, the schedule, the fact that it’s literature-based, the customer service, etc.  Sonlight offers a 25% discount to missionaries, and discounted shipping prices internationally.  So many things seem much harder because we live overseas.  It’s nice that this one thing at least is easier for us!

From my research, it seems like this curriculum pulls some from the homeschooling methods I’m most interested in: classical and Charlotte Mason, and I like that.  I’m especially fascinated by the Charlotte Mason method of homeschooling lately, and am excited to incorporate more and more of her ideas into our own family rhythm as the kids get older.

Of course, I’ll save my more educated opinion for once we get into the lessons, but at first glance, I was struck with how international the book selection is, and I love that.

Another thing you may be thinking is: Homeschooling already?  Isn’t Judah still just four?

Yes, he is.  He turns five in September, which puts him squarely in the 4K camp.  But kids here start kindergarten at four, and even more motivating than that, Judah begs me every day to let him start school (school at home, to be specific).  Our “school room” is his favorite place in the house.  He has carried around a folder with his Little Elly workbooks for weeks now, and often chooses to spend his afternoon rest time studying them (okay, who is this child???).

He’s ready.

And per friends’ advice, I’ll invite Amie to learn right along with us, as much as she’s interested.

So David and I agreed on the curriculum, I placed my order less than two weeks ago, in hopes that it would show up in plenty of time for our June 1st start day (our city’s school schedule), and . . . it came today!

David is out of town for work, and I know I should have waited to let him open the box with us, but the kids (after dancing around the living room for awhile) could not be stopped.

Now . . . I’m wondering how on earth we’ll wait until June?


  • kristy

    BOX DAY #1!!! 🙂
    My prayer is that the Lord will continue to give you joy and love and wisdom, and more joy and love and wisdom, as you train and nurture and guide your two blessings.
    And that there is never really a “first day of school.” 🙂 — that just as we pray our kids will know and love the Lord their entire lives, and never remember not doing so, they’ll also love learning, whether in “school” or not!
    ENJOY my friend!!

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