youth retreat.
This weekend we drove to northern Alabama for a senior high youth retreat. David was invited to do the teaching by our friend, Winnie, who we did youth ministry with back before we had kids. She’s been working at Southwood Pres in Huntsville for several years, so we were thrilled at the chance to hang out with her and her church for the weekend.
Judah and Amie enjoyed their fun “bunk” beds.
This camp is truly an amazing place. It was started as a ministry to youth groups by a wonderful couple, Roy and Ginny. Sadly it suffered a good bit of damage in the northern Alabama tornado awhile back, so they’ve been rebuilding slowly but surely.
It’s a remarkable story that Roy and Ginny’s lives were spared in the tornado; all of the trees surrounding their home were flattened, but their house was untouched. Even now it’s sad to drive out to the camp…thick woods are flattened and there are remnants of flattened houses.
I was so grateful that the youth ministry invited Martha to come help with the kids so I could sit in on the worship times. We enjoyed great singing, and David gave three talks on the theme of “True Rest” from Romans 8. It was a deeply meaningful time for all of us, and a student gave his life to Christ on Saturday night!
There was lots of time for hanging out, hiking, and doing arts and crafts. We stayed inside a good bit because it was freezing cold! The kids loved the main meeting room … as you can see there was lots of space for them to run and play and lots of fun grown ups to give them attention.
We met so many great people and ate some really, really amazing food. Seriously. This youth group has their own cookbook (which, btw Winnie, you better be sending to Martha and me!)!
It felt strange to be back in the “youth ministry” environment after so many years away. We were so impressed by the all of the staff who pour their lives into these students. I’m more appreciative than ever of those who are called to youth ministry–and after this weekend, especially those with young kids!
David and I scored some great pottery mugs and a few much-needed cultural lessons. I learned that all the girls are wearing oversized t’shirts, sweatshirts and leggings, and “chubbies” are the
boxers shorts boys wear these days. I also apparently need a lot of work to brush up on my hashtag skills. Wow. I feel every bit the almost-thirty-one-year-old that I am, especially when I find myself thinking, Are we back in the nineties? Even writing this paragraph makes me feel old, ha!
Thanks Southwood and High Life, for an awesome weekend!