the neighborhood.
the neighborhood.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
I love how Martha’s visit and picture-taking allow us to view our neighborhood with new eyes. Here are some of our everyday sights (above: nighttime view of our city from Richey and Keli’s balcony):
the street in front of our apartment complex. our apartments are to the left.
we see (and smell) lots of this: sewage and garbage.
Martha’s fruit stand, on the way to pick up Judah from school.
Judah’s school is a ten-minute walk from our apartment (the school year is in full-swing, and, though he complains about having to go, he secretly loves it).
the busy street corner where our tailor’s shop is located.
we’re still trying to figure out what this sign means.
local phone/internet office where David walks to pay our phone bill.
everywhere you go in our city, there are half-finished construction projects. it is heart-breaking to see the whole families who live and work in these skeleton buildings.