family photo.
Six bearded-silkie chicks to see us through our last weekend in Lititz.
ephrata fair.
practicing Hindi in Ephrata only in Lancaster County are whoopie pies as popular as funnel cakes
Steve got the grandkids ducks for Labor Day weekend from the farm auction. Judah and Ilan are captivated, but Amie and Lina are obsessed. The ducks are called Maximus and Phillipe (cool points if you can figure out where those names come from).
this and that.
cuddles with uncle Joe full disclosure: I made David re-take this pic while I sucked in my gut. But Linda said if she has to be on the blog gnawing an ear of corn, I have to be on the blog with my real tummy. could this yard be any more gorgeous??? i know i know, she’s three now and still has her “baby.” Yet another eating-my-words aspect of motherhood that keeps me humble. pre-dinner card game my reading stack for the month this takes frugality to a whole new level. Yes, it was done on purpose. breakfast faces a boy after my own heart while Joe’s in town, Linda…
our happy place.