• s. asia


    Our sweet neighbor/friend/babysitter, Ammara. Amie bossing Lilly around.  Which I’m okay with since Lilly bosses me around! They love each other Helping Lilly clean Stealing  kisses

  • s. asia

    skyline fun.

    We have been trying to go to Skyline one morning a week to see our friends.  If it’s nice out, we meet up on the playground. You can see our lonely, forsaken balcony in the bottom right.  No new family living there yet. It’s hard being friends when you’re two and you each think the world revolves around yourself.  But through it all these girls still love each other. Our friend Deepakshi comes out on her balcony to chat with Maggie and me while we’re on the playground.  And I like to beg a cup of tea off her because she makes the best. Hadi, in true Texan form, is…

  • s. asia

    new friends are here!

    Our friends, John and Alison and Joshua (3.5) and Caleb (1.5), arrived in the wee hours of this morning.  We had a sweet, relaxing day welcoming them and trying to help them stay awake to recover from jet-lag. Oh Caleb, all of us who have experienced that 25-hour plane trip know exactly how you feel.

  • s. asia

    meeting baby ada.

    Sweet baby Ada was born Wednesday, September 7 (yes, that is Maggie, at home, up and dressed, the day after delivering).  Maggie probably begs to differ, but I kind of feel like we all labored together to bring baby Ada into the world this week (we were certainly all praying and worrying and anticipating together!)  Praise God for a safe delivery and for this precious new life.  She is perfect!

  • s. asia,  travel

    holiday hike.

    God has been so good to us this week.  We had a horrible day Tuesday with the car accident, and it left both David and I so discouraged.  But Wednesday was a holiday, and David’s friend Arvind called to see if they could go hiking outside the city.  Then today our friend Maria offered to babysit the kids for the afternoon so David and I could go out for a leisurely lunch.  So we are ending the week refreshed and encouraged and so thankful for our friends.