searching for sticks.
we love you, pat!
family breakfast.
Thank you, David, for taking us to the fancy hotel for breakfast! Thank you, fancy hotel, for a surprise free breakfast!
pajama party.
craft time.
Pat and Cathy are giving the kids special goody bags for our plane ride home. First step: today Pat and the kids decorated their bags. Such a fun idea!
look who’s here!
David’s aunt, Pat, has a business trip in a nearby city next week, and came to visit us for the weekend! We are so, so happy to have her. Pat lives in Seattle, and we realized that the kids (and us) have not actually seen her since Christmas, 2009, but she, David’s aunt, Cathy and cousin, Annie, are such very important people in Judah and Amie’s life. They are amazing at staying connected with us through emails, Skype, packages and, of course, Pat’s famous pj’s. The kids asked me to make a paper chain count-down for Pat’s visit, so we’ve watched 10 rings dwindle down to 1, and now the…
the gift that keeps on giving.
Problem: it’s eighty degrees and the kids still insist on wearing the winter pj’s Pat gave them. Solution: make summer pj’s! Our language teacher, Neetu, is also a tailor, and altered these pj’s for us! At first, there were tears of protest from Judah: “But I want to be hot!!!!” But now he loves them!
amie and lina.
Our creative girl discovered a way to play cars with her cousin.
songs for owen.
Owen made a little video for Judah and Amie. So here is their response!