soccer and chicks.
Amie is playing soccer with the Downtown YMCA this spring, and Saturday was her first game. She’s never played before and has been very excited about being on her friend Caroline’s team.
It was cold and windy on Saturday! Which is funny considering that I’m typing this post on our back porch on an 80-degree afternoon. Amie jumped in there and ran hard for the whole hour. She’s still learning the rules of the game, but did a great job.
Noah wanted to play soccer this spring too, but I needed a season to get used to the schedule and to figure out practices and such before having two plus kids in a sport and two practice/game times. I’m a lightweight, I know. I have a friend in Lexington who’s currently ferrying four boys to baseball practices and games, and she has an infant.
We asked Gabe if he wanted to play a sport this spring and he said, “I’m more of an indoor person.”
Lady Thunder lost to a good team, but they were great sports and had fun. Afterward, Amie said “I hate that I have to wait until Friday for my next practice, there’s so much I want to work on!”
After the game, we drove straight to Tractor Supply to get eight chicks.
In the fall, we said good-bye to the four hens we had left. If you’re wondering what “we said good-bye” means, let’s just say they are no more. But it happened in a very humane way. They had stopped laying for about six months, and that was the deal David made with Amie from the beginning. It was a little emotional.
So we’re starting fresh, and are wholly enamored with our eight babies.
Look at those long-legged kids!
Here they are three years ago when we got our first set of chicks, at age 9, 7, 5, and 4:
And this is what was going on in our lives when we got them:
A lot has happened in three years, hasn’t it?
Happy Spring!