road trip wrap-up.
The stats:
Miles traveled: 2,453
Days on the road: 10
Families visited: 10
Kids Judah and Amie hung out with: 17
States visited: 10
Cities slept in: 6
Nights we all four slept in the same room: 6
Favorites . . .
Album for the road: Babel, Mumford and Sons
Grocery store snack: Clementines
Restaurant: Corky’s Barbecue, Memphis
Coffee shop: Old City Java, Knoxville
Road trip app: Yelp
Hotel search engine: Expedia
Cable channel: Food Network
Movie source: Redbox (did you know you can return movies to any location?)
Best pre-trip advice we received: put Amie in pull-ups in the car
Best mid-trip advice we received: Papaya extract tablets (Whole Foods) work wonders for eating your way through the dirty south (I popped those things like candy whenever we ate out…keep away stomachaches, heart-burn, etc)
Best decision we made: only ate fast food twice in 10 days (with Yelp you can eat fresh, local food that’s also affordable)
Second best decision we made: promised the kids a mid-trip toy from Target
Random facts:
Judah’s toy choice: Iron Man with missiles
Amie’s toy choice: Sleeping Beauty set
David’s Starbucks order: Americano, black
Julie’s Starbucks order: Blonde roast with cream and sugar-in-the-raw
Various items we were given along the way: Set of Ikea glasses, spatula and tongs, hanging shoe organizer, two theology books, Snow White dress-up dress, a rice cooker, three bags of hand-me-down clothes for Jules
More random facts:
Weirdest town name: Arkadelphia, AR
Creepiest town: Texarkana, TX
Hidden gem: Little Rock, AR
City we’d most like to visit again: Nashville, TN
Warmest weather: Franklin, TN
Coldest weather: Little Rock/Texarkana
Most frustration expressed over Obama’s gun laws: Cracker Barrel, Greenville, TX
Only place we shot a gun: Greenville, TX
Would we do it all over again? Yes!!!