handmade birthday.
Yesterday was lovely. It started with homemade cinnamon rolls, a little homeschooling, and a birthday phone call from one of my favorite people in South Asia. Then David gave me the whole afternoon out. I went to Barnes and Noble where a friend came and treated me to a cup of coffee and a red velvet cupcake (thanks Sarah!), then I sat with my book and laptop, and read and typed to my heart’s content.
I came home in the evening to tuck the kids in bed while David made my birthday dinner. We sat and ate a leisurely meal and chatted and watched The Bourne Legacy until we started dozing off (yes, we’re old people now).
A perfect day! And I loved my handmade birthday gifts . . .
Birthday letters from my kids, as dictated to David
Watercolor birthday card, by my mom
Wine stopper made from rosewood I brought back from South Asia, by my dad
Grilled Tuscan-style porterhouse steak (with grilled veggies and parmesan twice-baked potatoes), by David. He’s also giving me a hair cut from my favorite fancy salon!
Thanks to everyone for the emails, cards, texts, instagram and facebook greetings! I feel so very special!