gratitude # 563 – 586.
gratitude # 563 – 586.
Friday, April 15, 2011
a new friend, sent at just the right time
drinking coffee and munching popcorn and talking about childhood favorite books . . . Anne of Green Gables and Emily of New Moon and Little House on the Prairie
Judah is so close to swimming all by himself
Amie is gaining confidence in the pool
grace for David’s trip this week
he is flying home this afternoon
sleepovers with Judah in my bed
Judah and Amie’s fervent, sometimes-understandable prayers
the chaotic, happy fun of pizza night at the Iversons’
Maggie’s new sari
Judah nicknames: “Ams” (Amie), “Moms” (Mommy)
Judah’s friendly self-introductions: “My name is Judah, and this is my sister, Amelie.”
visiting VBS at our friends’ church and dozens of dear faces
little voices learning Scripture
staying up until 1:00 a.m. to finish a good book
emails from new blog readers
air conditioning in three rooms of our apartment
learning that April and May are the hottest months of our summer — and they’ve got nothing on August in Columbia
my growing list of things to bring back from the States
David’s newfound love of Shakespeare
homemade fruit smoothies
medicine that made our parasites go away
anticipating a date at a favorite restaurant tonight
realizing that I can be myself in this country