

Ahhh the comfort of being with family. We haven’t seen my mom’s brother and his family for seven years–they’ve never met our kids in person–and yet being at their house this past weekend in Franklin, TN felt perfectly comfortable.


It was cloudy and rainy, so we spent of our time indoors–saw picturesque downtown Franklin from rain-streaked car windows–and that was just fine.

My cousins pulled boxes of their old toys down from the attic for Judah and Amie, there was plenty of coffee and games and Disney movies and great conversation. And I took a luxurious Sunday afternoon nap while Aunt Donna and Rachel played Barbie’s with Amie (funny how we’ve come full circle: Donna reminded me that us older cousins did the same for her while her kids were little).



I’m so thankful Rachel and Will were home from college so we could hang out. I’m thankful for laughter over cheesy 1991 Enlow Family Reunion home videos and scheming together about a summer 2014 reunion.


I’m thankful for home-cooked meals and worshipping together at church on Sunday morning and watching Judah and Amie connect with their family, with their people. I’m thankful to watch my family, time and again, enjoy David and laugh at his jokes and support him in his calling as if he were their own.


I’m thankful for a heart-full of wonderful new memories.

(and sad I never got a photo of Aunt Donna or cousin Bekah … next time!).


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