

We did the “ville’s” our first day and ended up at a cabin in Cumberland Mountain State Park. David described the destination to us as a “cozy cabin in the woods with a fireplace.” Well. It was a cabin in the woods, number “16A” in a strip of deserted cabins most likely used for summer youth retreats. Since it was winter (and cold, and rainy), you can suffice it to say, we had the place to ourselves.

Unfortunately all the wood outside was wet and the flue wasn’t working properly, so we had on our hands a cabin full of smoke and a suitcase full of clothes that have smelled like camp fire ever since.

Even though I complained more than my share, it was a fun adventure–way more memorable than a night in a generic hotel. Thanks to Redbox, the kids watched Madagascar 3, then spent the rest of the evening pretending the cabin was a circus. We got to cook our own dinner and breakfast rather than eat fast food. We may even do it again sometime!

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