christmas eve gratitude.
66. our kids are old enough that we got to sleep in this morning
67. a lazy, rainy morning inside a warm house
68. David’s homemade bagels
69. gifts under the tree
70. strong, hot coffee
71. rediscovering curtains in the attic from India that are perfect for the baby’s room
72. my whole family will be together on Christmas day
73. our first Christmas with Steve and Linda here
74. looking forward to a service tonight with our church family and Chinese take-out afterward
75. Amazon packages arriving all week
76. I made fudge for the first time yesterday and it tastes delicious (recipe here, I halved the amount of sugar)
77. the four of us are healthy
78. our friend Bob is free of pain and with Jesus this Christmas
79. Gayle’s annual gingerbread party
80. making new friends from Iraq on Monday, tasting my first Iraqi food
81. Judah’s enthusiasm to learn about new countries
82. God spared my cousin Lindsey’s life this weekend; she’s safe and recovering from surgery and has a beautiful baby boy, Grayson Caleb
83. “In him was life , and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.” – John 1.4-5