the kids

  • motherhood,  the kids

    harry potter progress.

    I shared here about Judah starting the Harry Potter series for the first time. So many people have asked me how we made the decision to let him begin, and how far in the series we’ll let him go (he’s 8 1/2). Honestly, I wasn’t exactly sure when we started, and that may have been a poor parenting decision on my part, but here we are. After much deliberating, I just let Judah start book 5 of 7, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I keep saying “I” because David hasn’t read the books, and defers to me, but we’ve discussed it quite a bit, and are on…

  • the kids

    five on friday.

    Judah. My brother Danny keeps him well-stocked with Calvin and Hobbes these days.   Amelie. We think she’s part Labrador. She thinks so too.   Gabriel. This is the face I get when I ask, “Gabe, focus! Are you listening to me!?” I think it’s pretty cute.   Noah. His pout stops strangers on the street in delight. He can work a crowd.   Owen. My sister-in-law and I do an all-afternoon play date swap on Thursdays. One Thursday she takes all my kids, and the next week I keep hers. It’s one of our favorite traditions. This Thursday during our cousin-time-show-and-tell-with-popcorn, Owen pulled out his tooth for the audience.…

  • the kids

    poetry teatime.

    I really enjoy watching writer and homeschool coach Julie Bogart on Periscope, and when I first learned of her idea for a poetry teatime with kids, I felt instantly intimidated. And I wanted to throw up my hands in despair. After all, I’m just trying to get through the day, here, people. Forget flowers and tea and poetry! But she is just so wise and down-to-earth, and explained this little habit is one of the easiest ways to expose your children to something really beautiful (poetry!) — because kids love treats! So why not combine a set-apart time for treats with poetry? She also says that poetry teatime is good…

  • the bookshelf,  the kids

    our newfound love of audiobooks.

    I fully credit the Read Aloud Revival podcast with our new audiobook obsession, or perhaps I should say my kids’ new obsession. I’m such a visual learner that I’ve never much enjoyed listening to audiobooks, which is unfortunate when it comes to long road trips. I find that if I can’t see the words on the page, my mind wanders. But as you’ll see, I’m now training myself to listen to audiobooks and enjoy them. The kids and I tried a couple of audiobooks together about a year ago, but they weren’t fans, and since I truly love to read aloud, we abandoned the idea. Enter into our family two…

  • the kids

    four on friday.

    Judah. He’s always been a boy with an intense passion for one thing at a time (e.g. Star Wars). Lately he’s begun growing and blossoming into a boy with more varied interests. Always Star Wars, of course. And also: Reading. Harry Potter. Swim team. Astronomy. Cursive writing and learning Roman numerals. Hiking. Listening to audiobooks with his sister. I love watching the way his unique personality shapes his interests, and vice versa.   Amelie. She’s very reserved at first when meeting new kids, and boys are easier for her to connect with than girls. As a mother it’s downright painful to see your child on the outskirts, not always certain…

  • the bookshelf,  the kids

    the harry potter era.

    I was a sophomore in high school when this book first came out, in 1997. My mom read it soon after with my brother Danny, who was 11 — Harry Potter’s age in this first book. Yes, Danny was in that magical group of kids who literally grew up alongside Harry Potter. My mom told me to read it, and eventually I tried the book, but was unimpressed (I was kind of a literary snob back then). I didn’t pick the Harry Potter series up again until years later, when I was out of college and married. I wish I could remember what made me want to give the books…

  • our family hobbies,  the kids

    Amie, Daddy, and Rover’s adventure.

    Dictated by Amie: Last week we went in the car for our adventure and Dad told me that we are going to see some cats and dogs and pet them. And then Dad asked somebody if we could take a dog with us. She picked a dog, his name was Rover. I was happy and Rover jumped and licked me! He was light brown and black and he was very fun actually! When we got to the woods, Daddy let me hold the leash. We walked and it was fun! It was so fun! We walked three miles in the woods: we went on some bridges and after all that…

  • the kids

    four on friday.

    Judah. Oh these two. Our firstborns. In many ways similar and also so fiercely different. Things that bring them together: puzzles, the trampoline, their love of pizza and all things sugary.   Amelie. She hit a wall with swimming this week, and we’ve had lots of tears. Judah went through several weeks of it last semester; the shine wears off and their legs and arms ache, and making their bodies move in strange new ways is hard. But she went back and faced her lesson this morning and listened to her coach and did her best. After class she said, all smiles, “Mommy, I didn’t want to, but I did…

  • guest posts,  our family hobbies,  the kids

    guy day at the congaree.

    Dictated by Judah Last week I got to take the day off school to go on an adventure. When we were riding, me and Dad talked about the Bible and life. We talked about the book of Mark which I just finished the day before our adventure. We were riding to our hike that we have never been to. We got a little confused finding it, but soon John texted us and then we knew where to go. When we started our walk, it was leafy and a little downhill until Dad marked a little trail and then we kept walking. There was a little stream that was deep, we…