the kids

  • s. asia,  the kids


    When I was a little girl I lived in Barbados, and I love how that tiny island and the people I knew there are apart of the person I am today. Because of my three years and some change there, I like to drink English Breakfast tea with milk and sugar in the afternoons.  I have to catch myself before I spell color c-o-l-o-u-r and recognize r-e-c-o-g-n-i-s-e.  I can give thanks that I’ve survived an attack by two Portuguese Man-of-War.  I’ve read almost every Enid Blyton book ever written.  My soul shrivels up in cold, grey winters, and I only wear close-toed shoes when I absolutely have to.  I know…

  • s. asia,  the kids


    We made my-and-Martha’s specialty: dark chocolate and peanut butter cupcakes.  Because they are in high demand now, I plan to post the recipe soon.  Judah had several friends drop by throughout the afternoon and help make his birthday special.  Later on, we took cupcakes over to the Iversons’ to meet the newest member of our team.

  • s. asia,  the kids

    out with daddy.

    Our A-block elevator Racing to the gates! Amelie on the run In case you are wondering, David confirmed that Judah actually did touch that mattress. Can anyone guess what the sign at the top of this photo is for? Thankfully he didn’t tell me whether they touched these … Waiting for traffic to pass Typical neighborhood shops Walking home from work Home sweet home. It feels strange to us, but it is typical to have guards for houses and apartments here.  I do have to say it makes me feel safer when David’s traveling. On the other side of this glorious greenery is my friend Deepakshi’s flat.  I loved her…

  • s. asia,  the kids


    This past month I’ve lived in a dream.  I’ve holed up in our little flat, in the shrunken world of our walled-up apartment complex, my body weak with sickness.  I’ve cringed back from noise and dirt and people and . . . from South Asia.  I’m a stranger in a strange land — my sickness every day reminding me of its strangeness — and the knowledge has been more than I can bear. So for this whole month I hid away, both because I needed to and because I wanted to.  So many times I prayed I’d go to sleep and wake back up at home in America, where everything…