the kids

  • the bookshelf,  the kids

    winter 2016 bookshelf.

    Happy weekend, friends! We enjoyed the lightest dusting of snow here in Columbia today, and envy our Pennsylvania family who are out sledding as I write this. Sorry this bookshelf post has been awhile in coming. I’m currently enjoying rereading Cold Sassy Tree, by Olive Ann Burns, for book club next week. Although I haven’t been reading a whole lot because I’m busy making our family’s 2015 Shutterfly yearbook. This may just be my favorite one yet, and I bet you can guess why! Judah has blazed through all of the Magic Treehouse and Encyclopedia Brown books. The Chronicles of Narnia is still a bit challenging for him to read…

  • the kids

    five on friday.

    Judah. He asked for his very own Bible, and is halfway through the book of Mark. When he finishes, David promised to take him out for pizza so they can discuss it.   Amelie.  When she introduces herself lately, “My name is Amelie, but my parents call me Amie.”   Gabriel. “Mommy, I’m making you a cupcake for your birthday.”   Noah. He had his three-year-old well visit last week! He gained six pounds in the last eight months; he’s lived one fifth of his age and one fifth of his weight with us.   Oliver. Meet our nephew, Oliver. He and Gabe are less than two months apart in…

  • the kids

    five on friday.

    Judah. He hates the feel of a snug helmet, so it’s usually a bit askew. Not safe, I know. We’re working on it.   Amelie. She lost her first tooth on Sunday! In our house, you get a toy for the first tooth, and then a dollar for subsequent teeth. Amie’s choice was a new Beanie Boo.   Gabriel. He spent the three-week Christmas break begging to start back to school. I’ve never known a child who craves a routine more.   Noah. This three-year-old refuses to be potty-trained.   Mommy. I made homemade tomato soup for the first time last night and it was a hit! So easy, and…

  • the kids

    noah is three!

    Happy New Year, friends! We had a wonderful first Christmas together as a family of six. Noah turned three on New Year’s Eve, and after all the Christmas excitement, we kept it pretty low-key. We celebrated with cupcakes and gifts with the boys’ birth family on Wednesday afternoon, then drove out to see the Christmas lights at Saluda Shoals park with some friends. Noah is so contrary that when he woke up on Thursday, David said, “Noah! It’s your birthday!” and he said, “No, it’s not my birthday.” But he warmed up to the idea and enjoyed his breakfast of Lucky Charms. Afterward he enthusiastically helped me pack up Christmas…

  • the kids

    four on friday.

    Judah. He has swim practice two nights a week from 7:30-8:30, and here’s his favorite routine back home: 1. a hot shower, 2. two bowls of cereal (the boy can put away some food these days!), and 3. stretching out on the couch to read Hardy Boys while David and I read our books. It’s magical.   Amelie. As much as possible before birthdays and Christmas, we go through our toys and donate a couple that we don’t play with anymore. This was a devastating process for Ams yesterday and involved lots of tears!   Gabriel. He wants to know how everything works. Gabey is our “question-asker.” He never runs…

  • the kids

    she says.

    Amie and I come across the word “telephone” in our reading lesson. Amie: “Oh! I know what a telephone is! It’s from the past … like they didn’t have cell phones, they had phones with buttons and a cord and something you put up to your ear and mouth to talk.” me: “That’s right! Actually, did you know that when I was your age, we didn’t have cell phones at all? We just had telephones like you’re talking about.” Amie (eyes big): “Wow, Mom, you lived a long time ago! So did you, like, have to wear dresses all the time too?”

  • the kids

    four on friday.

    Judah. I hope he never loses his freckles.   Amelie. Our little free spirit. She would much rather be outside or doing something artsy than doing school.   Gabriel. He discovered “moon sand” yesterday and played for nearly an hour.   Noah. Only Noah can make a black eye look cute.

  • school,  the kids

    judah’s first poem.

    Judah wrote his first poem last week. It wasn’t an assignment — we were doing our daily reading in Story of the World, and afterward he said, “I’m going to write a poem!” He remembered from our grammar lessons that the first word in each line should be capitalized. And then he sat and wrote it. He presented it to his class at Classical Conversations today, and this proud mom can’t help sharing it with you!   History History is not a mystery How do we know? From The earliest creation To the best information. Epic battles take place. Astronauts go to the moon in space. And that’s how we…