s. asia

  • s. asia

    last breakfast.

    the very same breakfast we shared when we first met these friends in Durham, NC: scrambled eggs and Pioneer Woman cinnamon rolls little did Alison know that one year later she’d be a mango lassi-making queen just what I like to see: the men in the kitchen “portrait of a tired mommy,” by Judah Thanks for serving us, John, Alison, Joshua and Caleb! We are going to miss you more than you know.

  • s. asia

    when life is heavy and hard to take.

    Last night was our last city church Bible Study before we leave. I know one of the big questions in your mind is probably: What about the city church? Well, it’s one of our big questions too.  Just one of the questions, believe me. And about that, I’ll stop and say: I had an epiphany today.  It is that, if I am going to survive these last 9 days–and maybe even the month or two after this–I have to live in the little moments.  It’s the big picture, the big, big questions of our life right now, that drive me to panic or to depression.  Or both. But if I just focus on…

  • church,  s. asia

    last bible study.

    But last night, last night was sweet in the hardness.  A sweet gathering of people.  A sweet time of studying the Word together.  Sweet, sweet laughter.  Sweet prayers for our family.  I’m very thankful for this group of people. Anu took it upon himself to make chai for everyone . . . . . . which turned into a kitchen full of guys weighing in on the process After the study, the group helped us celebrate our wedding anniversary, South Asian-style, with jasmine garlands Oh yes, David got to wear one too Here’s to eight years together! John-brother and Ali celebrated ten years this past week! A fun night was…

  • s. asia

    look who’s here!

    David’s aunt, Pat, has a business trip in a nearby city next week, and came to visit us for the weekend!  We are so, so happy to have her.  Pat lives in Seattle, and we realized that the kids (and us) have not actually seen her since Christmas, 2009, but she, David’s aunt, Cathy and cousin, Annie, are such very important people in Judah and Amie’s life.  They are amazing at staying connected with us through emails, Skype, packages and, of course, Pat’s famous pj’s. The kids asked me to make a paper chain count-down for Pat’s visit, so we’ve watched 10 rings dwindle down to 1, and now the…