s. asia
we’re moving!, part five.
“How are you feeling and how will the move affect your health?” I am feeling . . . much better. Not one hundred percent, but much, much better than I felt this summer. I know your faithful prayers are a big part of this. I still have bad allergies and headaches every day that range from mild to migraine. But we have noticed an overall improvement, and with my last two colds I have been able to fight off sinus infections with vitamins and herbs, which is a huge step. I’ve been talking to a couple of doctors who work for our mission agency, and they have given me some…
we’re moving!, part four.
“What about Anju?” I went to Colleen’s house this week, and together we sat down to tell Anju that the Gentino’s are “shifting.” Colleen speaks one of Anju’s languages, so she helped translate for me. At first Anju was silent, then . . . she started crying. I was shocked. Then I started crying. Then Colleen started crying. It was so awful. So all that to say, no, we can’t take Anju with us. She also works for our friends and wouldn’t be able to commute downtown and back in time for her other jobs. This is one of the very sad things about our move. She said it is…
we’re moving!, part three.
How far is it from where you live now and from your friends?” Depending on traffic, our new home is a twenty to thirty minute drive (shorter by auto rickshaw) from where we live now. And our friends, John, Alison, Joshua and Caleb, just signed a lease on an apartment downtown too. They will be living less than a mile away from us, in a different neighborhood. John and Alison are nurses, and have joined our team to do community health training in villages, but are also excited about being apart of a city church plant as a family and living in the community where we will worship. One fun…
we’re moving!, part two.
“Where are you moving?” We are moving to an apartment building in center city, just off the main commercial and business district. It’s a perfect location because it’s within walking distance of really anything we could want—supermarkets, schools, shopping, malls, and public parks—but still in a residential neighborhood with many other apartments. Here is a view of our street, which dead-ends into one of the main roads in town: “Does your new apartment building have a playground?” Sadly it doesn’t. Our current complex is closer to the outskirts of the city, so there is a lot more space in that area for playgrounds and pools. City apartments are built closer…
we’re moving!, part one.
By now many of you know that we are moving next week. We signed our lease and got the keys on Monday. Here’s our new apartment building: I have decided to tell you about our move by answering some frequently asked questions, which I’ll spread out over this week while we’re cleaning and organizing and meeting with painters and movers. “Why are you moving?” This may seem sudden, but we’ve been talking about moving for months now. We just weren’t sure where. We weren’t even sure what city. We’re learning that’s what happens when you join a brand-new team. It takes a long time to figure out exactly what the…
When I was a little girl I lived in Barbados, and I love how that tiny island and the people I knew there are apart of the person I am today. Because of my three years and some change there, I like to drink English Breakfast tea with milk and sugar in the afternoons. I have to catch myself before I spell color c-o-l-o-u-r and recognize r-e-c-o-g-n-i-s-e. I can give thanks that I’ve survived an attack by two Portuguese Man-of-War. I’ve read almost every Enid Blyton book ever written. My soul shrivels up in cold, grey winters, and I only wear close-toed shoes when I absolutely have to. I know…
evening on the beach.
The water was very rocky, so we didn’t do much swimming, but as you can see, the kids were perfectly happy with walks on the beach and exploring the rocks. Well, this concludes our vacation posts. It’s funny, we’ve been back just one week and looking at these pictures, Malaysia already feels like months ago. 🙂 We are so thankful for a great trip!
rope swing.
boat trip.
On our last day, we hired a boat and driver to take us touring around Tioman. Our driver looked like he was twelve and didn’t speak a lick of English — or even attempt to pantomime what sorts of things we would be doing, so we kind of looked at it as a boat surprise trip. First stop: Coral Island (about an hour’s boat ride from Tioman), where we had our own private beach for swimming and snorkeling. The sand and water here remind me so much of Barbados. We also had our own private iguana. Next we went back to Tioman for some more snorkeling. The reefs here were…
our digs.