beach week.
God provided us with a little vacation when we desperately needed it. Some friends had a last-minute cancellation at their beach condo on Isle of Palms and we were able to snatch it up for a few days.
Our week has consisted of long days, naps, plenty of time on the beach and in the pool, favorite restaurants, an afternoon out (for me and for David), bike rides, running, reading, and the Food Network. Aside from David battling a bad case of poison oak (we still don’t know where he picked it up since he didn’t do any yard work before our trip), it’s been perfect.
I’m noticing a theme in our getaways, that it takes me a good 24 hours after arriving to begin to unwind and to settle into a slower routine. I felt on edge at the beginning, my mind racing in a hundred different directions, my dreams at night stressful. But as our week has progressed the tension has eased. I can now sit with my hot tea and book and not feel the need to jump up and check my texts or Facebook every few minutes. I can be in the moment. I’m so thankful for a chance to rest.