and more gratitude.
and more gratitude.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
“… but Jesus sent him away, saying, ‘Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you.’”
– Gospel of Luke 8.38-39
This morning I feel a swell of gratitude in my heart.
It started last night, when I made myself sit and work once again on my list. And I found, like I have before, that once I start it is hard to stop.
Why do I fight gratitude tooth-and-nail? Why is it so much easier to focus on what I don’t have? To live in the realm of “I wish …” or “I miss …?”
I am introspective to a fault, and can get carried away wrestling to find answers to those questions.
Instead, today, I will rest in the grace of a lighter heart.
#435 – 458.
Sunshine and the breeze made cooler by Monday night’s rain
Mercies new every morning
the Word of God in my own language
the ability to read
Annie let Judah borrow Peter Pan to watch
our apartment, full of beautiful things, growing more and more homey each week
David cares about things like picking out funky pottery coffee mugs
the candles in our bedroom
the palms trees outside my window
the sound of brooms sweeping below me, the hard-working hands which make our apartment grounds clean and beautiful
Anju in my kitchen making dinner: dhal and chapatti
My kids adore Anju
Tim Tinsley: “The main thing we know about Lazarus is that Jesus loved him. That is his identifying characteristic. All Lazarus did was die – and that was opportunity for Jesus to show his power.”
Two children who fill my heart with delight
my nephew, who will be born in just a few weeks
money to buy groceries
An iTunes gift card, which means we can rent movies
My counselor back home, and her continued ministry to me and to people I love
This season of loss
teammates who pray and run to the store and make meals and send texts when we are sick
Emails from Keli, while she’s away
Care packages and cards and letters … that make us feel so loved
“This grace gives me fear, and this grace draws me near, and all that it asks it provides.”
A grateful heart