a family getaway.
a family getaway.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
David and I had hoped to take a mini-vacation before heading back to the States in May to switch visas. We talked vaguely about somewhere near the beach, but then God dropped the perfect opportunity in our lap. A friend working in the north put us in touch with a British family who lives in a gorgeous mountain town about eight hours’ drive from our city.
We instantly clicked with the family over email, and they helped us get a room in this charming, amazingly affordable hotel just five minutes’ drive from their house. We spent the last five days sleeping, exploring, eating, hiking, and spending time with our new friends and their four kids. Judah and Amelie loved their new playmates and especially loved their house in the woods.
We are back home tonight. Tired, refreshed, and with a week-ful of new memories. Our first South Asia vacation.