the kids

four on friday.

I love following Bleubird’s series of portraits of her children, so in an effort to keep pulling out my nice camera and practicing photography, I give you Four on Friday: a photo of each of my kids each Friday.



Judah. He’s always working on a project, trying to get what’s in his head out into the world — it usually involves drawing, coloring, or building. We love these glimpses into his imagination.



Amelie. It turns out that she and Gabriel are two peas in a pod — the family extroverts who love people and animals and being outside. Neither enjoys being alone so it does our hearts good to see them start to band together and play.



Gabriel. This guy has changed the most in four weeks. We thought he was going to be the quiet one, but these days he’s full of words and smiles and silliness. He’s Daddy’s boy through and through.



Noah, Noah, Noah . . . tester of limits, pusher of boundaries, lover of water and rocks and dirt and bugs. Thank you for teaching me to slow down and notice the world around me.

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