
  • food,  gluten freedom

    healthy snacks.

    Our two-month gluten and dairy-free experiment went well. We noticed some positive changes in health and behavior. However, a negative is that we discovered we were eating a ton more processed food: crackers, cereal, energy bars, gluten free cookies. So this month we’re trying to move back toward what I’ve decided to call a “sane diet.” Not one hundred percent gluten-free or dairy-free (although I have to be totally gluten free), but instead focusing on eating real food. Food we make from scratch. Food whose ingredients we can pronounce. Food without lots of added sugar. The kids can have bread sometimes, but right now it’s David’s homemade sourdough bread. Then when…

  • columbia,  food,  the kids


    Summer is my happy place. The hotter the better. I feel like my soul goes into hibernation in winter and now I’m myself again. I can just breathe better in shorts and flip flops. Great news: I’m working on a summer reading list for you. In the meantime, here’s what we’ve been up to lately: Afternoons at the park. Before the humidity of our South Carolina summer gets too brutal. Afternoons at the pool. As of last week, both our kids are swimmers and let me tell you what, it’s life changing. After 6 1/2 years, I’m here to tell you the pool is once again relaxing. Growing radishes. Today my daily salad consisted…

  • food,  gluten freedom

    quick and easy hummus.

    Happy Friday! Thanks so much for your kind words about our diet experiment and especially thanks to two wonderful friends who volunteered to cook for my kids this week in order to give me a break. We’ve had a much better week, and I continue to be so proud of Judah and Amie. Some of you have been asking me to post recipes, so I’m going to. I’ll admit that the thing that’s held me back is how self-conscious I am about my food photography. But if you can overlook my less-than-creative photos, I’m happy to post some of our family favorites, especially dinner recipes. Today I’ll start with something…

  • food,  gluten freedom

    kids and food.

    A couple weeks ago I told you about my first year gluten-free. Then last week I shared some of the things that David and I eat on a daily basis. A question I get a lot is: “What do you feed your kids?” So that’s what I’ll talk about today. And this is where you begin to see that I don’t by any stretch have it all together in the food department. It’s been one thing to make really big changes to my diet, and quite another to ask my kids to do the same. At first when I sat down to write this post, all I could think of…

  • food,  gluten freedom

    one year gluten free, part two.

    In part one I described my first year gluten free. I’ll keep this post practical and tell you generally how I eat these days. The two single best food decisions I’ve made (possible even better than eliminating gluten) are: 1. Making a green smoothie or vegetable juice for breakfast and 2. Eating a salad for lunch (read my daily salad post here) In my humble opinion we as Americans way over-do it on eating grains and starches in general. Think about the typical American day: cereal or toast for breakfast, a granola bar for a snack, sandwich for lunch, pasta or rice or bread with our dinner. Then maybe dessert. That’s…

  • food,  gluten freedom

    one year gluten free, part one.

    First gluten free donut, Charleston Market At the beginning of March one year ago I became completely gluten free. I celebrated the occasion with bronchitis and two rounds of antibiotics. Well maybe it wasn’t a celebration so much as motivation for finally removing gluten from my diet. It was a low point for me, low enough that I needed a big change. So I made the change. I’m not going to say it was easy. Especially since my family continued to eat gluten. I’d say there were several months of feeling generally bummed out about food and adjusting to spending a lot more time in the kitchen. However. What made it…

  • food

    the tea experiment.

    So it’s March 5th and clearly I’m already dropping the ball regarding my daily photo. Rain and sudden 30-degree weather are not an inspiring setting for practicing photography. Ugh. Now it sounds like I’m making excuses, which I am. Also. This week I’m attempting to quit drinking English Breakfast tea. Oh it’s so hard, people!!! Not as hard as coffee, I keep reminding myself of that. Remember when I quit drinking coffee last year? It is difficult to put into words what that first horrid week felt like. But it worked! I drink virtually no coffee today. The most I’ll do is a very occasional espresso shot in a latte…

  • food,  gluten freedom

    the daily salad.

    I used to eat salads because I felt like I should. Now I eat salads because I love them. I thought I’d tell you why. I’m pretty sure I first started craving salads in South Asia — when actually creating something like the photo above was an all-morning affair. We were supposed to avoid raw vegetables that hadn’t been treated with some sort of disinfecting rinse. So every vegetable purchased at the market had to be soaked for 15 minutes and rinsed for 15 minutes and dried. Sound simple? Try doing this with every component of your salad: lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers. Then do it with all your fruit. But you…

  • diy,  food,  school


    I’ve had a Pinterest account for over a year now but I could just never get into it. Pinterest seemed to me like one more temptation to waste my time. While it definitely can be that, I’ve had several friends urge me to use it as a way to get organized. And lately I’ve been asking for and dispensing lots of recipes and homeschooling advice, so I’ve begun to realize how nice it would be to have one place to keep all of that information. I adore researching topics that interest me (natural house cleaning, food, homeschooling, etc.), but sometimes I don’t do a good job of documenting the helpful…